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Should we get votifyer?


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After hearing a discussion in mumble tonight i thought it would be a great idea if the nerd servers had votifyer or something like it. It would help advertise the servers. we could offer xp levels as an incentive to voting. this is just an idea and i would like to hear what you think and maybe the mods/ admins could look into this?

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Getting perks for doing things to support the server, such as voting or more commonly donations, is what separates us from the larger servers that treat their players as nothing more than a workforce and a number on their server list.


I'd vote because I want to see more traffic to the servers, not because I want some short term incentive, which is what it should be.

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If this were to happen, I'm sure most of the players would gladly go elsewhere than deal with it. Nerd is one of the few servers I've seen that doesn't give you perks for anything, at all. Everyone's equal, and that is one of the best things we have.

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I think there's no harm in using something like votifyer, but I do agree that receiving perks is something that doesn't mesh well with the sort of attitude we've maintained about providing a place where you're not required to bring anything with you (be it something like client mods, or even physical money) in order to play here / stand a better chance at playing than others.


If it's not game breaking, and is advertised well within the community as something that we provide and people have access to, I don't find a huge issue with the idea of providing 'perks' on the whole. Trying to find something that works well is the issue, I suppose. Experience doesn't sound too bad on Survival imo, as experience is cheap with the XP plump, but I feel like most people we have in our community will vote regardless of any benefits we provide (and those who wouldn't might only be tempted by more lucrative perks). I'd like to see us at least move to using something like votifyer (with no perks), either way. I feel like such a thing has been brought up before, but i'm not sure how that's progressed at all.

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  On 8/13/2013 at 12:58 AM, BCB228 said:

we could offer xp levels as an incentive to voting.

I dunno. At least on P XP levels are almost free. Maybe give people a cookie?


I suppose I personally could make it a habit to vote before I join, but that gets tiring. I'm not sure if the voting should have a consistent volume each day. Can someone remind me what we hope to accomplish with Votifier?

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Some servers that I know use it and if u vote u get free diamonds, xp and money. I don't want votifier because 1. It'd be too tiring voting everyday and 2. There's much easier ways to get more people playing the servers. For instance, on P we could have horse racing and already have spleef. Also Olympic City will be coming next rev and lots of fun stuff in that.

On C, any good builders could easily build games to play and have tournaments.

On S, there's pvp and normally the weekly Survival PvP League.

Then there's free advertising websites. We have a couple of ways to get more people playing without the need for votifier. Plus we have the youtube channel and twitter.

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  On 8/13/2013 at 4:38 PM, teddylover said:

Some servers that I know use it and if u vote u get free diamonds, xp and money. I don't want votifier because 1. It'd be too tiring voting everyday and 2. There's much easier ways to get more people playing the servers. For instance, on P we could have horse racing and already have spleef. Also Olympic City will be coming next rev and lots of fun stuff in that.

On C, any good builders could easily build games to play and have tournaments.

On S, there's pvp and normally the weekly Survival PvP League.

Then there's free advertising websites. We have a couple of ways to get more people playing without the need for votifier. Plus we have the youtube channel and twitter.

You don't need to vote every day, we have a pretty big player base so we'd probably get a bit up (ofcourse not in the top because those are servers with 300+ every day), so even if you wouldn't vote there would be others voting.


Also having votifier does not stop us from doing these things, and neither do these things stop us from getting votifier, it'd be something as extra...

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This is just my personal opinion and not me speaking in an official capacity: giving people free stuff in game is not something we do. It would be a huge cultural change for the server - to put people to work doing their daily ad impression on a server listing site.  I consider the only legitimate and lasting way that we'll get more players is by making the game more fun.

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Here's a thought, I'm sure we've all considered it: Just use votifyer for the voting. No perks, just the attention it'd bring to the community with its high number of votes. Well, I guess a larger player base IS a perk, to some degree...

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If we get votifier, don't have mc-index on the list as it doesn't ever work. Because the place where you put your username is further up than page limit.


Could we give people a little reward who vote every day though (or top voter each month)? Be good if we were to get people to vote.

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I can't speak with too much experience, as the only time I really vote for a server, it's for the four diamonds, $1150 in game cash, and the five levels of xp, not some labour of love. 


Either way, it'd be a good way to possibly bring in a few new players, though looking at the kind of servers that use votifier, most, if not all are faction servers, hunger games servers, servers with economy and MCMMO. Is this a place where nerd.nu will be noticed? 


Votifier is for big servers who can afford the advertising space because they know it's gonna pay off for them in the long run. Nerd is not one of those servers, for good or bad. The people who are looking on sites that use votifier are not the kind of people we want to advertise to, simply because they're not going to be interested in what we've got to offer. 


An alternative would be good, other ways of advertising that are more friendly and accessible to smaller servers such as nerd. If such an alternative exists :P


As for rewards, I can't see many people voting without some incentive. I agree it shouldn't be something ridiculously op, like four diamonds or something. XP levels are good, as they're already easy enough to get in game, without forcing a gap between players who vote, and those who don't. Perhaps a sort of flair on the forums/sub for those who vote daily or something? Hypothetically speaking, ofc.

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  On 8/13/2013 at 7:55 PM, N00ble_6 said:

I can't speak with too much experience, as the only time I really vote for a server, it's for the four diamonds, $1150 in game cash, and the five levels of xp, not some labour of love. 


Either way, it'd be a good way to possibly bring in a few new players, though looking at the kind of servers that use votifier, most, if not all are faction servers, hunger games servers, servers with economy and MCMMO. Is this a place where nerd.nu will be noticed? 


Votifier is for big servers who can afford the advertising space because they know it's gonna pay off for them in the long run. Nerd is not one of those servers, for good or bad. The people who are looking on sites that use votifier are not the kind of people we want to advertise to, simply because they're not going to be interested in what we've got to offer. 


An alternative would be good, other ways of advertising that are more friendly and accessible to smaller servers such as nerd. If such an alternative exists :P


As for rewards, I can't see many people voting without some incentive. I agree it shouldn't be something ridiculously op, like four diamonds or something. XP levels are good, as they're already easy enough to get in game, without forcing a gap between players who vote, and those who don't. Perhaps a sort of flair on the forums/sub for those who vote daily or something? Hypothetically speaking, ofc.

Yes, I agree with this. Diamonds should be completely crossed off, in my opinion. Perhaps a few gold ingots and a few XP levels would be appropriate.

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The concept of survival mode is to get things for yourself. Giving away ANY items, or aiding in obtaining specialized enchantments, completely defeats the purpose of that. Some of you may be thinking "what's the harm in a few exp levels?" For one, a single level can mean the difference between facing someone with a sharpness 2 sword and facing someone with a sharpness 3 sword. It's exterior interference for otherwise normal gameplay, and should not be altered. It's a slippery slope, votifyer give-aways. Next it'll be spawn drop parties, then in-game economies. Then our servers will be no better than the generic, 12-year old run, only last for 2 weeks server.

Votifier can be used for publicity. We don't need to give away items to get people to vote.

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I personally would oppose any rewards for voting in the strongest terms. The concept goes against some of our core principles. You can't "buy" items, rank, status, ect here. Our servers are about providing an experience that is both free and "as vanilla as is practical in muliplayer." People earn items and blocks by playing the game. Simple as that. In my opinion we don't need to sell our core values in order to get votes on an advertising service. We need to advertise more and get the word out about our servers, sure. But I think that giving away any kind of reward in order to obtain votes would be akin to selling out. We should sink or swim on our own merits. 

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I am with WCS on that point

I really hate these voteplugins and i hate rewards or it too

If the users want to vote, they should vote because they want to, not because they get a reward out of it.

The reward should be a player filled server nothing else.
But if we get a votifyer plugin we could at least make a scoreboard for it to keep up the competition.

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How about we make some youtube videos every month which anyone can make, whether it's minecraft or not. I mean players playing games outside of minecraft and their good attitude could show people what great players we have. 

I know it's quite hard to get viewers on youtube nowadays but if we could find ways then I guess we could have more people in no time.



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  On 8/14/2013 at 9:46 PM, gsand said:

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


The moment votifier gets installed on these servers is the moment a ton of people will quit.


In the same fashion as Digg 4.0


  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


Hey, that's my Steam avatar. :dry:


Dispensing freebies for voting in toplist sites, that quite frankly I doubt many people actually go to in order to find servers, doesn't seem like a great idea. Kind of against the community spirit. xXNjordXx's idea is interesting, though. Keeping track of who's voting and compiling a scoreboard of sorts is preferable to rewards.

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