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Everything posted by SwitchViewz

  1. Bumping! With the recent mention of discord on the subreddit perhaps it would be a good idea to look into migrating away from mumble and IRC? Discord does both chat and voice, thus we could cut our needed applications down from 2 to 1. I've done some minor server hoping and messing around with Discord and so far I quite like it. It is a great combination of IRC and Voice. The best part is that you don't even need to download anything. It is 100% in browser and only have to download it if you want to. This could also eliminate the need for Google Hangouts that some of the admin teams are using which would help with fragmentation. EDIT: Did some more goofing around and so far I'm quite liking it. Things are super easy to set up and use and from a admin perspective it is easy to customize and set up. From my experience so far with it I'd would definitely recommend we look into the potential of this.
  2. I completely forgot to post a follow up for this and would like to thank dnynumberone for bringing it my attention. The contest ended as I specified on November 30th. Due to so few entry's to the event we will not be holding a voting contest. Everyone gets to be a winner! As for what the Arena's will be used for I do not know what the eadmins currently have planned but I will see about potential uses of them on P. Thanks to those that entered: Ultrahub, dnynumberone, StarMinion1, DerpHerpington, Abitcat, Pokethespider
  3. I have always disliked the way that enchanting and exp is done in minecraft. Minecraft is supposed to be about building awesome builds not AFKing at a grinder for 30 minutes so you have a chance of getting that Fortune 3 pick you so desperately need. Whenever I bring this up people always cry "oh but the end grinder exists", well I don't want to walk a couple thousand blocks or AFK on a rail to get to a end portal to just go and punch endermen for an hour when I could be using my time building. With school starting back up soon my activity will be drastically dropping and the time I do get to play on P when Im not doing padmin things I don't want to be AFKing at a grinder just so I can get some tools to eventually build that cool house I want to. While I don't think enchantism is the solution here as that is not very PvE oriented I think that something could be done to help the grind. Perhaps having some sort of mob fighting world with unique mobs and drops that you can go to?
  4. The end of the Rev is less than a week away and that means it is time for the end of Rev festivities! What better way to celebrate the end of the Rev than by dieing a few hundred times to Doppelgangers? Join us this Tuesday 1/5 at 5PM PST (8PM EST) for the brawl. Timezone Converter Pictures on how to get to Nightoak. You can also follow the black wool from the portal to Nightoak. If you would like to help out by donating to Nightoak we are in dire need of diamonds for doppelgangers. We are providing the following gear for the fight but please feel free to bring your own gear! Full set of Iron Armor Iron Sword Splash Health II Potions Bows and Arrows Food Subreddit Post
  5. The end of the Rev is less than a week away and that means it is time for the end of Rev festivities! What better way to celebrate the end of the Rev than by dieing a few hundred times to Doppelgangers? Join us this Tuesday 1/5 at 5PM PST (8PM EST) for the brawl. Timezone Converter Pictures on how to get to Nightoak. You can also follow the black wool from the portal to Nightoak. If you would like to help out by donating to Nightoak we are in dire need of diamonds for doppelgangers. We are providing the following gear for the fight but please feel free to bring your own gear! Full set of Iron Armor Iron Sword Splash Health II Potions Bows and Arrows Food Subreddit Post
  6. Just so everyone knows were watching this thread and other feedback in mumble/ingame. I have personally heard some cool ideas and hope we can come up with something good. :)
  7. I will be inactive from Sunday December 27th to January 1st tending to real life things. I will still be around the forums and IRC if needed but very little in game and mumble if at all. I wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to exciting new things in Revision 17!
  8. Saturday Evening: Yup! Sunday Afternoon: 1% maybe, 99% no. I doubt I can get myself up at 9AM on a sunday
  9. Been well over a year since this was last posted in and padmin team has changed quite a bit. So let's hop on the thread bumping train!
  10. Whiteoak and/or the whiteoak villager area. We are working on building Nightoak so that could also be a good place to stop by. /place whiteoak
  11. Yes I made a small little evil corporate lair with a hidden back room as well. If you need help finding it let me know.
  12. The problem with this is that we can't determine that damage that is caused by someone xraying. If someone xrays 32 diamonds and then makes a bunch of tools, he can then use those tools to make builds, or he could sell those tools to gain other resources. We don't catch xrayers right away, so depending on how long after we catch them the amount of damage could range from being minimal to be drastic. In very rare cases when xray has caused damage to a whole town or majorly affected the community in some way we will look into redoing some of the edits made, however I only recall 2 instances of this ever happening. My personal opinion (does not reflect views of other padmins) is that we should change the xray rule so that players can ModReq to have a redo done on a area that has effected a bunch of players. This way half of your pumpkin tower isn't suddenly missing or all the glowstone in the south road is gone. Griefing comes in all sorts of forms and can range from minimal to massive. If someone griefs a couple of farms and tears down a house or two then they may be banned for a couple of days. However if someone griefs a couple thousand blocks, then the ban will be longer. I have banned players for griefing 30k+ blocks on C and I will give them a month ban for it. It is really up to moderator discretion on how much is griefed and how long the ban will be. I don't see how we are not "player- friendly"? We don't necessarily do random giveways as we like to leave that up to the players, though I hope this will change a bit in Rev 17; but we are also not going to teleport you a couple hundred of blocks. Infrastructure is there for a reason, use it, tping players would only harm builds that are meant for transportation. I don't agree with you on it being "a promotion" but I do feel you have a solid point when you said "players don't have any say decision making." There are many things that players have requested and have been hugely popular (such as sleeping in beds during the day on P), yet we do not implement it. To me, the players are the server. They make it what it is, and while staff helps to also make what it is, it is the players that ultimately decide to play here. We need to listen to the players more, and I think we are slowly making progress to get there. I know that during the P community meeting there were a lot of concerns and suggestions brought up and we are changing/acting on many of them for Rev 17. I think you have a good point here to an extent. We can be very choosy on who and why someone becomes a staff member and will often throw a name out for something minimal. We do need to be more lenient because sometimes it is the vocal ones that will have the most positive influence. We also have to be careful though, we can't make someone a staff member that is completely against staff and hates most people on it. We are a team and they need to be willing to work with and get along with the team. We also need to stop with such a slow process on getting people into new positions. If someone is super active and they have the passion/drive to help things improve, then we should toss them into the position. We often wait to long and then by the time we want them to move into a new position, they are burnt out, and then they don't accomplish much in that position.
  13. Been awhile since a channel clean up has happened and I got tired of twilexis complaining about it So here's a bunch of changes as of last night: Warframe removed Totaly not a drinking establishment removed Counter Strike Server removed Hiding in a Tree moved under PvE Survival (PvP) removed The Walking Dead and Chill removed PlugDJ Memorial - RIP removed Garrys Mod (TTT) removed Hanging Christmas Lights moved to Misc Unnecessary Permanent Channel added
  14. I'm curious why you would think this is even remotely a thing? You were a staff member in the past and should know just how difficult chat logs are to rummage through. I dread having to do it for a ban appeal because it is such a pain in the ass. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be doing it in my free time for "no reason". To be frank the fact that you even accuse staff of just searching through logs I find to be insulting. We are here to look out for the playerbase and the users, we don't go digging through logs for no reason. I don't think I have ever heard of any instance of a head, or any other staff member for that matter, just digging through logs for no reason in my year or so I have been on staff. I am very curious on what "evidence" you have.
  15. This will be my final update on Events as a EAdmin before my transition to the position of PAdmin. The CS:GO Tournament winner was Noahyoda (Congrats!!) and he has received his prize as of early November. Second and Third place are still waiting for their match to be played and I will ultimately leave it up to them when they can work out a time as the prizes will be here waiting. The second Fundraiser of 2015 has been pushed back to Q1 of 2016 due to so much work being required on a special type of CTF. There are currently 2 holiday events planned that we will be announcing times and dates for later this week. We will soon be throwing up a holiday lobby and the lobbies will soon be approaching time for a change out and I have wrote up this schedule for what lobbies players can expect to see in the coming new year. Lobby Schedule I will be sticking around and be hosting the 2 holiday events with the other eadmins as well as putting up the christmas lobby and finishing the second fundraiser.
  16. Yes you can use warp signs. When we do the actual events we will make the signs functional. As for items, the Arenas will be used for a variet of different events, all of which will have different rulesets/kits/items/etc. It'll depend on the kind of event we host in it.
  17. Nightoak digging for this rev has been completed! We decided to get an early start this rev to avoid rushing like we have in the past.
  18. Hey there everyone, the eadmins and head admins have decided that we will not be launching the fundraiser at the end of those month. We have decided to delay it until sometime in Q1 of 2016. We hope that by delaying it that it will give us more time to make the event even better as well as work on some holiday events. Please note that work is still ongoing for the fundraiser and we need all the help we can get.
  19. Plot Clearing and Contest Extension We are extending the duration of the Arena contest by 2 weeks to give people addition time to build and to allow for more entries. The Arena Contest will now end November 30th. We have cleared up a lot of unused or drastically underused plot's to allow for more people to contribute to the Contest. The following people have had there plot's reset and there are now an addition 20 plots available for use. VulfpeckBassya redwall_hp Porpoison Sworatex torteela _PinkFlyod_ SpiderMan W4tts KrishnaSagar MiningCreeper64 xxReaperDragonxx Gamer4860 Leodur2006 PoddiePVP QweenEwan GLaDOS_96 dragemanden VelserX Cr3xy 8YearOldPvP
  20. Silver and I got a bunch of mods together from P today before the admin hunt and had a short 15-20 minute build session to help fill our need for small builds. Here's everyone that showed and some loot in one of the things built. We hope to do this again in the near future to help fill the need for small builds! Thank you to everyone that came today! Here's some pictures of things people built: StarMinion1 SwitchViewz Silversunset01 pez252 schererx8
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