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My impressions of S after spending time away from MC


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Between changing computers and forgetting account details I haven't been able to log on for months, but today I came crawling back to S to see how it was doing and here's what I thought:


1. Why does it still say "reddit minecraft" on the little server thumbnail thingy?

2. There are 0 players on a Saturday afternoon.

3. The spawn and the buildings look the same as they do every rev.

4. Can't tell if there are any building projects or if people just stopped playing on here months ago.

5. The only sign of life is chat popup telling me to visit the forums.

6. If I was a new user I'd assume they were as dead as the server. Maybe, that space should be used for more specific info about upcoming events?

7. Open rule book and see that it's 18 pages long (close without reading).

8. Have a super laggy fight with a skelly.

9. Log back in after a bit to find there's now one other person online.

10. But they're afk.

11. Hunger makes finding unclaimed land a nuisance.

12. Despite the difficulty setting there really isn't much of a survival challenge.

13. I can't tell if there are added non-vanilla features, but it's about as boring as vanilla.

14. Wish that this rev could have been more like civcraft or had similarly ambitious features.

15. Log off and go on P bc there are some players there.


edit, bonus whinging: log back in a third time and get serious lag where I fall through chunks, rubberband all over the place and can't eat food. #2 die from lag and respawn in "twi and redwalls super secret hotub" which is a super creepy experience. #3 the warp signs at spawn are pretty cool.

Edited by Ridiculous
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I won't reply to everything, but here's some minor clarification:


2. There are 0 players on a Saturday afternoon.


I'd assume that you're in a timezone which would be nighttime for both the United States and Europe, which could account for the lower player-numbers. I recall there being nearly 25-35 players on last night for the arena GizzleTinks and I hosted.



3. The spawn and the buildings look the same as they do every rev.


Survival's spawns are simple and functional (I'd say even the one we have right now serves its functional purpose, regardless of the hot tub part), which is why they're almost identical to their predecessors (of course this excludes revision 26's spawn due to the fact we used a ring road/random spawn system and that was an arena).



9. Log back in after a bit to find there's now one other person online.

10. But they're afk.

15. Log off and go on P bc there are some players there.


See #2 - People don't typically play when they're asleep.


edit, bonus whinging: log back in a third time and get serious lag where I fall through chunks, rubberband all over the place and can't eat food. #2 die from lag and respawn in "twi and redwalls super secret hotub" which is a super creepy experience 


I'd like to see the rubberbanding be fixed, since we had multiple instances during the arena where we weren't able to PvP because of server lag. Also, the hot tub is a really creepy thing, and I'm unsure why something of that nature would be included in a Survival spawn, so I'd have to agree with you on that portion.

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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The community has not chosen a new name, has chosen to not give out free food to get to unclaimed land, has asked not to have civcraft, has asked to be close to vanilla, and have made Uncehaven on P.


The admins alone have only dictated (I think) what the settings of NoCheatPlus are, which affect the skeleton and rubberbanding you have.

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The community has not chosen a new name, has chosen to not give out free food to get to unclaimed land, has asked not to have civcraft, has asked to be close to vanilla, and have made Uncehaven on P.


The admins alone have only dictated (I think) what the settings of NoCheatPlus are, which affect the skeleton and rubberbanding you have.


.....what does Uncehaven have to do with this discussion? I'm also assuming you have literally no clue what rubberbanding is, because it has to do with latency, not NoCheatPlus.

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The community has not chosen a new name, has chosen to not give out free food to get to unclaimed land, has asked not to have civcraft, has asked to be close to vanilla, and have made Uncehaven on P.


The admins alone have only dictated (I think) what the settings of NoCheatPlus are, which affect the skeleton and rubberbanding you have.

I can assure you it is not NCP as it has been bug tested lately to ensure it gives warning messages when issues are present and NPC's are excluded from this often. The lag is most likely caused by another plugin or some off set factor but I'm sure a tech could enlighten you there.

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The community has not chosen a new name, has chosen to not give out free food to get to unclaimed land, has asked not to have civcraft, has asked to be close to vanilla, and have made Uncehaven on P.


The admins alone have only dictated (I think) what the settings of NoCheatPlus are, which affect the skeleton and rubberbanding you have.


Im not sure the last time you have ever logged into survival, but there are some pretty massive farms right near spawn and along the roads. Also, unlike P, those arent protected, so anyone can take from them as long as they replant.



edit, bonus whinging: log back in a third time and get serious lag where I fall through chunks, rubberband all over the place and can't eat food. #2 die from lag and respawn in "twi and redwalls super secret hotub" which is a super creepy experience. #3 the warp signs at spawn are pretty cool.


I lagged out while logging in once and fell into the hotub. I also wish it didnt exist/ i never found out about it. 

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I can assure you it is not NCP as it has been bug tested lately to ensure it gives warning messages when issues are present and NPC's are excluded from this often. The lag is most likely caused by another plugin or some off set factor but I'm sure a tech could enlighten you there.


It is a combination of lag and NCP.  For example, if the server lags out for a couple seconds, and a player keeps moving, his client tells the server he's walked 100+ blocks, and (because it lagged out) the server doesn't see that any time has passed.  So from the server and NCP's point of view, the player teleported 100 blocks instantly.  Which looks a lot like cheating, so NCP cancels their movement.

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has asked not to have civcraft, has asked to be close to vanilla,

Im glad this has happened, also there are currently 7 people playing online now http://nerd.nu/usage/survival/

Between changing computers and forgetting account details I haven't been able to log on for months, but today I came crawling back to S to see how it was doing and here's what I thought:


1. Why does it still say "reddit minecraft" on the little server thumbnail thingy?

3. The spawn and the buildings look the same as they do every rev.

#2 die from lag and respawn in "twi and redwalls super secret hotub" which is a super creepy experience. #3 the warp signs at spawn are pretty cool.

Also 1. If you scroll to the top of this page and look in the left hand corner it's there too

3. I ended up rebuilding my house based upon my house on previous revs because I ran out of new ideas for a house

#2. What the heck ROFL. I would like to see that hottub myself

Edited by coolgamerovr90
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What the fuck how was that allowed in?

It's my understanding that when twilexis wasn't allowed on the building server for the spawn, redwall copied the map over, let her work on it, and then copied it back over. That's why it's in there.

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What the fuck how was that allowed in?


Probably because they built the spawn.




 I would say have admins review the build for things like this but since admins built it...


It's my understanding that when twilexis wasn't allowed on the building server for the spawn, redwall copied the map over, let her work on it, and then copied it back over. That's why it's in there.


And that's allowed... how?

There are always secrets at spawn, and this rev would not even be close to the first hot tub that was hidden at spawn. 


Spawn was built on a private server and I can guarantee you that the map was not copied over because I had not generated the map by they time spawn was completed. Spawn was copied over once it was built and the map generated. 


If you have questions about something, please come and ask me instead of starting rumors. If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

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There are always secrets at spawn, and this rev would not even be close to the first hot tub that was hidden at spawn. 



I understand that there are spawn secrets, but how is something like this appropriate or even professional?



Spawn was built on a private server and I can guarantee you that the map was not copied over because I had not generated the map by they time spawn was completed. Spawn was copied over once it was built and the map generated. 



This implies that there's a possibility that Twilexis was allowed on, or allowed to view spawn, on a private server.

A private server where players aren't allowed.


Also the fact that there are players disturbed by this should be a hint that something needs to be done about it.

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I understand that there are spawn secrets, but how is something like this appropriate or even professional?

We are here to play a game just like you and everyone else on the server is. What is the point of playing the game when we are always being told to be professional when we try to do something silly such as this hottub. You guys sit here and accuse of us not allowing fun and not allowing players or staff to have a good time. It is even in your signature. Yet, when we do something fun or silly, such as this hot tub, we are criticized and told it is creepy or inappropriate and that we need to act professional. Wait, we don't allow fun, but if we do, its inappropriate and we need to be professional?


When the last staff meeting was held I made a pretty big point out of this. This is a game! We, just like you, and everyone that players here, is to have fun! How are we supposed to have fun when we are constantly being told that we don't allow fun yet we need to act professional.

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Whilst I agree it could be seen as being a bit hypocritical, the hot tub is kinda creepy. Spawn hot tubs have been around ever since weizbox and it was always a fun running joke but having the "redwall and twilexis's super secret hot tub" isn't a server wide joke, but one that is just a bit too personal. Unless it's going to tear the server apart it would be a lot easier to just remove this sign.

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We are here to play a game just like you and everyone else on the server is. What is the point of playing the game when we are always being told to be professional when we try to do something silly such as this hottub. You guys sit here and accuse of us not allowing fun and not allowing players or staff to have a good time. It is even in your signature. Yet, when we do something fun or silly, such as this hot tub, we are criticized and told it is creepy or inappropriate and that we need to act professional. Wait, we don't allow fun, but if we do, its inappropriate and we need to be professional?


When the last staff meeting was held I made a pretty big point out of this. This is a game! We, just like you, and everyone that players here, is to have fun! How are we supposed to have fun when we are constantly being told that we don't allow fun yet we need to act professional.


Look, I'm all up for spawn secrets and such, but things regarding players personal relationships with other players shouldn't be one of them.

I don't care if Redwall and Twilexis go off and build a house and post lovey dovey signs for each other in it - that's their house.

I don't care if they find somewhere to build a statue of themselves holding hands. But spawn is someplace everybody goes.

I wouldn't want something personal regarding mine and mag's relationship being a spawn secret. It's creepy.


I don't care about the hot tub itself, I'm more concerned about the personal relationship part of it being there.

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Spawn was built by myself and redwall on my personal whitelisted private server, as evidenced by not only the sadmins at the time, but also buzzie and TheRandomnatrix, who I invited to see it.


From what I've been told by mods and admins, spawns are staff made only, and have always been as such. 



The hot tub is there with our names on it, because we built the fucking thing. If I built it with Mumber it would have had his name on it too. Why are you making a big deal over this *now* when the rev has been out for months? I know you don't play on S at all (which raises the question of why you even care) 

A simple "made by so and so" sign would've been fine with a sign by it "the super secret hot tub". Some people here took it as a sexual connotation and mentioned it as such. Others took it as a "showing off my relationship" kind of thing because, coincidentally, it is made by you and your boyfriend. Unlike a few people here, I care about the overall servers and take people's concerns into consideration and make an effort to have them addressed or at least noted by the staff. Had I known you were still around (considering you made a big deal about leaving and never coming back), I would've just pmed you.



it's fairly normal for survival to have player made spawns, unlike PvE and creative.


Fair enough. Though apparently this is not known throughout all the staff, and this can cause confusions, like of now.

I'm asking for a former Sadmin to confirm this though, just to be sure.

Edited by kittypuppet
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Okay, since it appears as though some people here lack the little ball of knowledge in their skulls, I suppose someone has to break it to them in a similar, more caps-intensive way.




People are creeped out by it, apparently. The origin doesn't matter when people aren't going to know anyways.


If it is legitimately disturbing to people, remove the damn sign. No. One. Cares.


Here's a step-by-step process of removing the sign and the outcome:


  1. Person with Perms has joined the game.
  2. Person with Perms has deleted a sign.
  3. <player> Oh look there's a hot tub under spawn, how neat!"

Easy as fucking cake.

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The only person making a fool of themselves is the person who called us all losers in a rage quit post yet is still coming onto the forums.


Not that I give a shit about a sign or find anything creepy because it doesn't fucking matter but whatever delete the fucking sign and lock this thread this is pathetic guys. 

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