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MCPublic General Meeting #1 - Time & Agenda


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The meeting will take place on September 27th at 6:00 pm EDT.  The time of the second meeting will be announced at a later date, and we will open the floor for new question at the end of the second meeting.


Discussion on new nerd.nu website

  • What is the status of it?
  • Suggestions for the new site?


  • Should we add some sort of badges on the forums for donators?
  • Should we add something in game to distinguish donators?
  • How else could we encourage donating?
  • Should we have more donation drives/events?

Forum Badges/Subreddit Flair

  • Should we add some sort of forum award/badge system, and then when players win events they can have a badge/flair added to there account?
  • Should we give players that win events a special subreddit flair?

How can we make the flow of progress faster?

  • Right now it seems staff members do things in there own time and seem to randomly work on things. How can we make it so that we have a better system for completing jobs?

Modded Servers/Mini Games

  • Should we expand our current servers to more then just vanilla minecraft? Such as FTB or minigames?

Thanks to SwitchViewz for putting together this agenda. 

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I was hoping this would be a legitimate discussion thread rather than morons posting shitty pictures. Since I will miss the meeting; I would like to post my thoughts on each topic.


Discussion on new nerd.nun website

  • What is the status of it?
  • Suggestions for the new site?


I feel as if the nerd.nu website needs to be updated to include all the general links which are as of now; word of mouth only. Some examples would include modreq pages, usage, maps and cartographs of previous revs compiled in one location and up to date, as well as map saves.

I think our layout is nice and simple; no need to change it.



  • Should we add some sort of badges on the forums for donators?
  • Should we add something in game to distinguish donators?
  • How else could we encourage donating?
  • Should we have more donation drives/events?


I cannot stress enough that going the donator benefits route; no matter how "cosmetic" or insignificant they may seems can only lead to worse. Please avoid the first 2 points at all cost. For the third point; I think we shouldn't "ask" people to donate unless the servers really need it. From what I understand, the servers are doing financially good at the moment.

Lastly more multi-server events would be a great idea. On top of ctf; bi or tri-yearly events would be good for us, as well as offering a change of pace.



Forum Badges/Subreddit Flair
  • Should we add some sort of forum award/badge system, and then when players win events they can have a badge/flair added to there account?
  • Should we give players that win events a special subreddit flair?


By winning in game events, and having no relation to donating; this isn't a bad idea. Though it should be very conservative in the handouts, like SAL and the like has been in the past.



How can we make the flow of progress faster?
  • Right now it seems staff members do things in there own time and seem to randomly work on things. How can we make it so that we have a better system for completing jobs?


Not sure I understand what this one is about; maybe if you can elaborate?



Modded Servers/Mini Games
  • Should we expand our current servers to more then just vanilla minecraft? Such as FTB or minigames?


Having a minigames server would be a fun distraction from the grind of the main servers. Though it would have to be updated often so people do not get bored, I think it could work out great. As for FTB or variants; a public version would definitely not be a good idea, and moderating such a server would be even more difficult for the rest of us.

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I also wont be able to attend but agree with everything Trooper says except for the subreddit flair.  I dont think there should be subreddit flair, but forum badges wouldn't be too bad.   I don't think there should be any special perk in-game, on the subreddit, or on the forums for donating.  Maybe keep a list of all the donors and sort them by total donations, but keep that on the donation page.  



As for events. I would love to see more.  The CTF events are some of the best times I've had on MC.  I don't think the other servers should be taken down during the event though.  



I personally don't think nerd needs a minigame server.  It might be interesting to try it out, but there are so many out there that it just isn't needed.  The only thing I can think of is a 5k server that has a bunch of different puzzles like that ranging in difficulty.  It would be nice to just log onto a server to do those instead of being stuck at one on PvE.  There were many times during the 5k where I just wanted to take a break from it and work on a project, but I couldn't easily leave without losing my checkpoint. 

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Me, I really would prefer if any and all donation perks would stay strictly out of the game itself.

It's one of my favorite things on these servers that our chat boxes are so clean and devoid of silly titles and other irrelevant noise that plague so many other places. It would be a shame to make our server worse in that regard.

If anything, maybe we could have a list of donors in similar fashion to the lists that track hours played. That, I feel, would be subtle enough and would not cause annoyance.

I don't have a strong opinion on the other topics.

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Will this meeting be lead by someone who uses a mic?


No offense intended for those who type, but listening back to the recording of the meeting afterwards makes no sense as it's missing half of the conversation.


Also, could you please explain this comment in a little more detail:

We will open the floor for new question at the end of the second meeting.

Does this mean the first meeting won't have any time allotted for questions?

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No offense intended for those who type, but listening back to the recording of the meeting afterwards makes no sense as it's missing half of the conversation.

The straightforward thing to do is to copy the text chat as they come in. I can't remember if they have timestamps, though. (Hey, maybe this is finally a use for Soundcloud's stupid commenting system...)

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The straightforward thing to do is to copy the text chat as they come in. I can't remember if they have timestamps, though. (Hey, maybe this is finally a use for Soundcloud's stupid commenting system...)


Rather than create hassle for everyone involved, how about we just do the actually straight forward thing and have the person leading the meeting use a microphone.

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I can't be there either. It seems all of the questions come down to transparency. How much money is left over, how much is spent each month. Based on that do we need more income, will that be donator benefits of some small kind, or major events. How much effort do the servers require from the staff, and is there enough spare for modded servers. Same for resources of the server. I'm less sure that the staff progress fits into this, I think that's more a case of managing the expectations. Could there be more detail about each person's priority, as long as the community didn't use that to pressure something to be finished or done first?

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Discussion on new nerd.nu website

  • What is the status of it?


What does this mean?


Discussion on new nerd.nu website

  • Suggestions for the new site?


I always thought this (credit /u/barneygale) was a great idea, not sure what happened to it. Looked good, seems functional, a huge step up from what we have at the moment.



  • Should we add some sort of badges on the forums for donators?
  • Should we add something in game to distinguish donators?
  • How else could we encourage donating?
  • Should we have more donation drives/events?

Forum Badges/Subreddit Flair

  • Should we add some sort of forum award/badge system, and then when players win events they can have a badge/flair added to there account?
  • Should we give players that win events a special subreddit flair?


As stated here by roastnewt, we can't properly discuss any of these topics without first discussing advertising and finances. 


How can we make the flow of progress faster?

  • Right now it seems staff members do things in there own time and seem to randomly work on things. How can we make it so that we have a better system for completing jobs?


"Flow of progress" - What does this mean? How quickly and efficiently we can provide our services? Which ones are you thinking aren't being provided well enough? I could list through things that I don't think are done well enough but it would definitely be seen as 'hostile' or 'personal attacks'. If things aren't getting done fast enough - add more admins to the area in need. If things are being done well enough - replace the staff doing a poor job with those who can work at a higher quality.


Modded Servers/Mini Games

  • Should we expand our current servers to more then just vanilla minecraft? Such as FTB or minigames?


I'd rather we put our money towards advertising than additional servers. I'd like to sort out what we're doing with S before expanding the network. P and C are functional and seem to be doing well without need of major overhaul. S currently seems to be taking up space which could be put to better use, whether that's a rejuvenated Survival or different server type. 

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What does this mean?


Slide mentioned to me last december (I think?) that he was planning a rewrite of the nerd.nu website in PHP. I asked a few admins a couple months ago if they'd heard/knew anything about it, but no-one seemed to know anything. Slide pointedly ignores me unless he needs something, so answer came there none. As a matter of fact he's threatened to veto a community-made website if a certain recording of him is released. He was asking around for renders a little while ago, so perhaps he's restarted the project? I suppose we'll find out soon enough :D

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I was hoping this would be a legitimate discussion thread rather than morons posting shitty pictures. 



Sorry. Didn't know that everything had to be all serious. Didn't know we weren't allowed to have fun. Personally, I thought this was just an announcement.


MrLoud claims to be all up for fun, but obviously not. And if you want spam, I can give you spam. 

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Does this mean the first meeting won't have any time allotted for questions?

Only questions regarding the topics on the agenda will be allowed for this meeting.



Roughly how spaced will the two meetings be - are we talking hours or weeks?

Not sure yet, but I would like to have it soon. 



Could we make a last minute addition to the agenda and add advertising on there?

No, that's a topic for the next meeting.



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Sorry. Didn't know that everything had to be all serious. Didn't know we weren't allowed to have fun. Personally, I thought this was just an announcement.


MrLoud claims to be all up for fun, but obviously not. And if you want spam, I can give you spam. 



was that a threat? almost seems like one. 

Perfect example of the problems on both the player's side and the staff's side. I'm certainly not one to be speaking about this but we need to be trying to keep unnecessary shitstorms at bay, yeah? 

Edited by EeHee2000
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Alright, this is getting absolutely ridiculous. Everyone needs to stop attacking each other, especially in a passive aggressive way, and stop trying to start stuff with each other. There is absolutely no reason there should this amount of conflict between people. Everyone needs to start playing a game they enjoy with others and above all else have at least a little respect for each other, and I'm talking to everyone who is reading this not just those involved in this thread. 

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fuckin fite me irl loud u wont m8 u cheeky cunt. ill fuckin rek ur shit son

m420 i tink u r 1 dopey cunt in thje worng side of town fucging ftie me in th aley

But yeah, I certainly agree with Mrloud on this one. 

We're playing a game, you childish pricks. 


Edited by EeHee2000
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Alright, this is getting absolutely ridiculous. Everyone needs to stop attacking each other, especially in a passive aggressive way, and stop trying to start stuff with each other. There is absolutely no reason there should this amount of conflict between people. Everyone needs to start playing a game they enjoy with others and above all else have at least a little respect for each other, and I'm talking to everyone who is reading this not just those involved in this thread. 



I'd absolutely love to, but everytime my friends and I start having what we call fun, you go off and tell us to "stop spamming" or to not change our names (save for token's stupid offensive names), honestly, we don't mean any harm by it, we just happen to enjoy sarcasm and silly stupid gifs, that's our method of fun, and we've never meant any harm by it. The rest of our days we're working at our jobs, or in out boring classes, and we want to go home and wind down with our friends and do stupid shit that we can't do outside of the internet. But no, you take offense to our harmless fun, label us toxic, and hide our posts. We play on the servers too, we don't grief, we don't break the rules (at least most us don't), but every single fucking time that one of us steps out of line we all take shit for it.


I've been playing on the servers for a while and I've seen it run in several different ways, but the way things are right now where everything is about specific rules and etiquette and all that shit, it literally sucks the fun out of anything anyone ever tries to do. Most of us don't even fucking bother with Minecraft anymore, because nothing ever changes, (the little features and things aren't enough to make people stay, so that is no excuse) and it's annoying as all hell whenever someone tries to make a discussion on this godforsaken forum, because no matter what, it has to devolve into about what someone did and what someone had to say about it, and what someone else thinks (ironic, no?)


But this thread is appropriate, because this is something I definitely want discussed at this meeting (which is looooooooooong overdue by the way, good job). Yes, I'm upset, but I'd rather help you guys improve than sit here arguing with you. So expect me to be at this meeting to discuss everything in regards to C, Mumble, the forums, the subreddit, and whatever else suits me. And I certainly hope that you start this meeting expecting to be ready to change anything, instead of making us waste our time yet again for nothing.

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It feels as though people don't understand how to take a joke. Some people need to fucking relax and not attack others in a post. Staff especially shouldn't be attacking or offending players as badly as resonantly. I find it odd that a few gifs get removed but a comment straight up attacking people having fun, that are legitimately excited for this meeting "morons" is a huge double standard. Why should a staff member be able to say these things to a player yet I can't say the same with out being punished or frowned upon? 



Alright, this is getting absolutely ridiculous. Everyone needs to stop attacking each other, especially in a passive aggressive way, and stop trying to start stuff with each other. There is absolutely no reason there should this amount of conflict between people. Everyone needs to start playing a game they enjoy with others and above all else have at least a little respect for each other, and I'm talking to everyone who is reading this not just those involved in this thread. 


I agree with you but at the same time you need to look at whats truly going on. Are the "toxic" people the ones being hostile or is it the ones calling us toxic?



I'd absolutely love to, but everytime my friends and I start having what we call fun, you go off and tell us to "stop spamming" or to not change our names (save for token's stupid offensive names), honestly, we don't mean any harm by it, we just happen to enjoy sarcasm and silly stupid gifs, that's our method of fun, and we've never meant any harm by it. The rest of our days we're working at our jobs, or in out boring classes, and we want to go home and wind down with our friends and do stupid shit that we can't do outside of the internet. But no, you take offense to our harmless fun, label us toxic, and hide our posts. We play on the servers too, we don't grief, we don't break the rules (at least most us don't), but every single fucking time that one of us steps out of line we all take shit for it.


I've been playing on the servers for a while and I've seen it run in several different ways, but the way things are right now where everything is about specific rules and etiquette and all that shit, it literally sucks the fun out of anything anyone ever tries to do. Most of us don't even fucking bother with Minecraft anymore, because nothing ever changes, (the little features and things aren't enough to make people stay, so that is no excuse) and it's annoying as all hell whenever someone tries to make a discussion on this godforsaken forum, because no matter what, it has to devolve into about what someone did and what someone had to say about it, and what someone else thinks (ironic, no?)


But this thread is appropriate, because this is something I definitely want discussed at this meeting (which is looooooooooong overdue by the way, good job). Yes, I'm upset, but I'd rather help you guys improve than sit here arguing with you. So expect me to be at this meeting to discuss everything in regards to C, Mumble, the forums, the subreddit, and whatever else suits me. And I certainly hope that you start this meeting expecting to be ready to change anything, instead of making us waste our time yet again for nothing.

Mag you say this perfect, you're my hero!

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I don't believe scrolling through a good two pages worth of gifs to get to any actual discussion qualifies as fun. If you must play such games, please keep them within the off-topic section. This isn't just me being old fashioned or anything, it is simply basic etiquette for the linear discussion format of forum software. Stuff like this may not be truly worth name-calling over, but it would have been better if it wasn't posted at all.

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