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Survival Rev28 Brings Economy!


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Hey all, today we have a big announcement about the upcoming revision of Survival. We know you guys want more information about Rev28, so here it is: Survival will be implementing an economy plugin. There were debates, some arguments, and I’m pretty sure LadyRavenOwl made rtr69 cry once (confirmed, she did), but as a team this is what we have decided to go for to add new and interesting dynamics to our gameplay.


First of all, with this new economy plugin, we had to find a way to make it work without it being completely abusable, while still making it worth it to play. With that, we have decided to make a server side shop. Within this server side shop, players will be able to buy and sell the following items for a set amount of currency :


  • Lapis

  • Gold

  • Emeralds

  • Diamonds


These items are non-renewable, so there would be no way for players to create more to gain an advantage; iron is not listed is due to iron grinders. Players will not be able to sell these items to other players however. The reason for this, is that if a player decides that they have a much higher amount of diamonds than they need, they can effectively sell their diamonds for a lower price than the server shop. This can be abused by another player being the diamonds for cheaper, then selling them back to the server shop and repeating the process. Player 1 might be getting a bad deal but if they’re still making a decent amount of money, they might not care.


However, while players cannot sell the four above items, they will be free to sell any other item they want, for any price they want, through sign shop set ups. We will also be opening a player shop hub, where players can purchase a room within the shop to sell their items at the same location that the Server Shop is located. This will function as a mall does in real life, players are free to sell what they like while other players are free to browse and purchase what they would like.


Although some players might be fear that this new plugin might deteriorate PvP on S, we hope it’s the opposite with PvP stimulating the economy.  Armored PvP will now be rewarded with currency. The types of PvP that give a reward of currency listed from the most amount of currency received to the least amount are as follows:


  • Prot 4 Diamond

  • Prot 3 Diamond

  • Prot 4 Iron

  • Prot 3 Iron

  • Misc Enchanted Diamond

  • Misc Enchanted Iron


With this, we will also have a place to repair armor for currency and purchase levels of XP as well, so PvP can now fund PvP. There will also be more secret things to purchase from the server shop that you can’t normally obtain in game, though those are gonna be kept a secret for now. Despite a cooldown period implemented by the plugin we are using, there may be a potential way to abuse this system, so we’re forced to create a new rule:


Players are NOT allowed to abuse economy for monetary gain through the constant killing of the same players.


This means that players are NOT allowed to continuously kill their friends, allies, or alts to receive monetary bonuses. Please be advised, this is easier to track than other things such as x-ray or player logging, so please just do not do it. This will result in a ban for BOTH players involved. We really didn’t want to add anymore rules, but we feel this is necessary to implement now rather than later when clans start abusing this.


Adding this new feature to Survival gives us the opportunity to offer a new bounty system, new rewards, a lottery system, and new betting systems for arena fights.  We’re excited about the possibilities that this will open up in the future and we encourage all of you to approach us with any ideas of things you would like to see in addition to the things we’ve already mentioned.

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In regards to the pvp-economy system... why create an obviously exploitable system in the first place?


I honestly do not understand...


To sum it up a little better, we plan on having a set cooldown for money to be received when killing someone. For example if player 1 kills player 2, then player 1 won't receive money for armor killing player 2 again for a set amount of time. The rule is in place however, because we know players have alts, and we know some have many alts. Because of this, we don't want players lining their alts up in a row and killing them to abuse the system. This is why the rule is required, even if we never have to use it. We would rather let people know this is against the rules early rather than have players abuse it and have to fix this later because we know this WOULD be abused. 


The reason the system itself is in place is because we want PvP to feel more rewarding. This is one of the best systems we discussed where players can actually feel rewarded for winning fights, and can do whatever you please with your winnings instead of getting a broken suit of armor and a few empty bottles. 

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To sum it up a little better, we plan on having a set cooldown for money to be received when killing someone. For example if player 1 kills player 2, then player 1 won't receive money for armor killing player 2 again for a set amount of time. The rule is in place however, because we know players have alts, and we know some have many alts. Because of this, we don't want players lining their alts up in a row and killing them to abuse the system. This is why the rule is required, even if we never have to use it. We would rather let people know this is against the rules early rather than have players abuse it and have to fix this later because we know this WOULD be abused. 


The reason the system itself is in place is because we want PvP to feel more rewarding. This is one of the best systems we discussed where players can actually feel rewarded for winning fights, and can do whatever you please with your winnings instead of getting a broken suit of armor and a few empty bottles. 



Why allow for the system to be obviously exploitable in the first place?

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Why allow for the system to be obviously exploitable in the first place?


The reason the system itself is in place is because we want PvP to feel more rewarding. This is one of the best systems we discussed where players can actually feel rewarded for winning fights, and can do whatever you please with your winnings instead of getting a broken suit of armor and a few empty bottles. 


If you have a solution/suggestions to the potential for exploitation, please feel free to share.

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Hey, I asked a few of these questions in skype, but I figured I would ask them again here so people could see the answers. The ones dizney already answered I will add in italics.

  • Will selling ores directly to other players be against the rules? There will be no /pay command, so trading money directly will be impossible.
  • Can you see other players' balances? yes
  • Can you use the "create your own shop" plugin anywhere or just in the "mall" area? anywhere
  • Will the "mall" area be pvp-enabled? no
  • Is the "server shop" area pvp-enabled? no
  • Can you warp to the server shop? yes
  • If you can warp to this shop, will warping to avoid pvp be against the rules? warping will count as logging

  • Will there be a warmup to warp? yes

  • How long? 10 seconds

  • Can you warp while combattagged? no

  • After you warp to the server shop, how do you get out? There will be a command to return to where you warped from.

  • Are you worried about runaway inflation from money being created from nothing (i.e. kills)?
  • How long is the cooldown on pvp money? Will it apply to [killer,victim] pairs, or will a single victim not give money to anyone during their cooldown?
  • Gold is renewable (pigmen grinders). Are you concerned about this? fak
  • Emerald is also renewable (villager trading). What about dat? Villagers can be rebalanced
  • Will there be anything to prevent farming noobs for money?
Edited by roastnewt
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As you are all aware, my friends and I constantly kill each other for a laugh.


With this new system, that would now be banable, correct?


I believe the solution is to not take hits on your armour when you kill each other for fun. Take it off.


I would like to see ad-hoc arenas excluded from this plugin, for the reasons Four says. For when you have the need to make perfect armour then use it up on friends.

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Nice plugin I guess. But I do tend to target the same people and kill them quite frequently; so similar to Four_Down's question, could I get banned for that?





Also it would be great if you could change the chaos map currently to like an old map that hands out pvp kits. It is super boring these days lol. 

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Nice plugin I guess. But I do tend to target the same people and kill them quite frequently; so similar to Four_Down's question, could I get banned for that?


Err on the side of caution. Pick on someone new, let the cooldown end and then some, and rotate your victims.

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Err on the side of caution. Pick on someone new, let the cooldown end and then some, and rotate your victims.


If a side effect of this plugin is forcing me to change how I kill people on a pvp server than it needs to have some more thought put into it.

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If a side effect of this plugin is forcing me to change how I kill people on a pvp server than it needs to have some more thought put into it.


You'd still be able to relentlessly attack your target, you're just not gonna get rewarded for doing so.

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