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Planned Inactivity -Archived


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Guest Former Staff

I'll not be around until 14th (36 hours from this post+) - House is getting smashed up until it looks better in some places and there's other fun events planned during that time.

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Guest Former Staff

I'll not be around until 14th (36 hours from this post+) - House is getting smashed up until it looks better in some places and there's other fun events planned during that time.


All back - Left my sanity behind just in case.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Former Staff

Very early heads up, I'll be travelling back home from around 23rd December -> Around a week later, pending travel chaos.


Edit: A friend is staying over for a few days as of 8th November so I may be a little quieter until Tuesday.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I will not be available, due to lack of wired Internet slash being busy with other things, for roughly two weeks starting tomorrow. (November 30th, AEST.) If something majorly breaks in a spectacularly horrifying way, I can probably get on with a cellular tether. (Otherwise...) Please direct all technical concerns to the other techadmins, who are equally capable of handling issues that may come up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be inactive from Sunday December 27th to January 1st tending to real life things. I will still be around the forums and IRC if needed but very little in game and mumble if at all.


I wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to exciting new things in Revision 17!  :smile:

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