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Guest Former Staff

Very early heads up, I'll be travelling back home from around 23rd December -> Around a week later, pending travel chaos.


All back now. Have been keeping an eye out on the forums / subreddit to stay in the loop. Will be looking to pick up on tasks that we left before the holidays.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on reduced activity and reachability for the next month or two for personal reasons. I'll be around still, and will probably be doing some development work "in the background," but I'm intentionally making myself scarce as far as direct contact goes. I can't be anyone's "go to" person to get things done at this time and need to take a step back.


So, essentially, if you need to contact a tech, please reach out to our other very capable techs unless all other possibilities are entirely exhausted. I'll still be around if things majorly go south.


I'll still be playing Minecraft recreationally, but I'd like to keep my in-game staff role at a comparative minimum for the time being.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be in a foreign land from Jan. 16-24th. If I see a wild Barlimore while I'm there I will attempt to regain communications long enough to report a journal detailing my observations of them in their natural habitat. I don't think they'll spot me though as I will be wearing a clever disguise (a.k.a. mustache).

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Guest Former Staff

I'll be away around April 8th - 13th, unlikely to be contactable at all during this time (good time to go and host that massive party while I'm gone!)

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I'm going to be moving houses over the next couple of weeks (til April 1st) and you may experience intermittent service. If you have a complaint please contact customer service at the number on our website.

UPDATE: I should have some form of internet hopefully by Wednesday March 16th. If I can find all the various pieces of a desk, I'll be in even better shape!

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Guest Former Staff

I'll be away around April 8th - 13th, unlikely to be contactable at all during this time (good time to go and host that massive party while I'm gone!)


Will also be away (but with internet access) from March 23rd - 29th.

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Guest Former Staff


I'll be away around April 8th - 13th, unlikely to be contactable at all during this time (good time to go and host that massive party while I'm gone!)

Will also be away (but with internet access) from March 23rd - 29th.


And also moving home on 2nd April. I suspect by the time I can return, I'll be heading off to the airport for 8th shortly afterwards.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's still very early, but I will be largely absent from May 4 to June 6 (my ability to access nerd services/servers during waking hours will not be guaranteed, though I anticipate still being able to check in occasionally during that time).  

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my ability to access nerd services/servers during waking hours will not be guaranteed

 I'm not sure what I think about this. Are you saying you are sometimes capable of sleep-minecrafting? If so, have you ever sleep-moderated? If so, were you actually awake when you wrote this? Have you been sleeping later? Have you been Tyler longer and longer?

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